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Pawn Stars and Kerning?


New Member
Does anybody else dig this show? My wife is convinced that I'm the only person who would watch it. Although, I have some buddies who like it as well.

A couple of things struck me as odd the first time I saw the show: the use of the dreaded Brush Script in the show's logo and the horrible kerning of said script. I wondered how such poor kerning could get past the producers of the show. I was going to post this a couple of weeks ago, but when I went to search for the logo in question, the kerning was fixed in all the versions I found online. Was I going crazy? Well, I was watching again the other night, saw the original version of the logo and took a screenshot. I've posted both versions below. Do you think someone caught the error and corrected it?


  • Pawn Stars Edited.jpg
    Pawn Stars Edited.jpg
    58.4 KB · Views: 127
  • Pawn Stars Original.jpg
    Pawn Stars Original.jpg
    127.1 KB · Views: 103


New Member
I see bad kerning all the time on TV stuff.
Last week on Versus on one of their little over-blurbs it said HAPPY HOLIDAYS in all-caps Brush Script!
How could someone not know?


New Member
It's the little things that we notice when you have been in the business too long.

We were at the doctors office Monday, and behind his desk was a picture that was hung crooked. It was all I could do to not interrupt him and go fix it.

Arlo Kalon 2.0

New Member
I love the show. I especially like the one where they bought a Piper airplane in need of total refurbishing. After what they had to spend to get it flying they were still looking at a $15,000 profit after selling it. The old man rocks - he taught his son well.


New Member
I noticed it too, I think only sign people freak on stuff like this. I love that show.

Pat Whatley

New Member
That show made a reality show out of The Antiques Roadshow. I'm not sure I actually believe half of it but it's entertaining. The one thing that's always stuck out to me is that when they have an outside appraisal done they actually tell the seller what the appraisal is before offering them 1/3 of that amount. Every other pawn shop I've ever dealt with would lie their asses off about what something was worth.


New Member
love the show...and lol@ the peeps that notice kerning on tv ads. i'm sure someday i will too...cause i see some absolutely horrid framing almost everywhere.


New Member
yep, I saw the Brush Script and cringed! there is a ton of horrid kerning on TV, mostly in ads, the phone numbers are mostly off the rack, typed in as is fonts so the spacing is nasty. local TV suffers from kerning in just about anything written on screen.


New Member
Sorry to bring this back up, but was gonna make a post about this, and did a search first. The brush script freaks me out every time i see it!!!


New Member
Yeah honest until they offer them 5% percent of the appraised value!

"Well now I know it's worth 800....so I would like to get 500 for it"

"I'll give you 50 bucks"


that's business.

you don't sell signs for cost, or buy supplies at retail.

they aren't collectors, and people who go to a pawn shop to sell something are there because they need the money quick, and that's the service the pawn shop offers them.


New Member
Oh yeah, I understand that, like anything else they need to make money.

Im not sure what's funnier though...how close the seller thinks they can get to appraised value, or how far away from the asking price they actually get offered.

definately! i like "it's probably worth 16k at auction"
"so how much you want?"
"well he said 16k"
"haha, no chance. how about 20 bucks."
"but... 16k... 14?"
"i'll do 5k, or you can eat my turds and gtfo"
"i'll take it!"