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PayPal debit card question/rant


New Member
Ok - I've been using Pay Pal for years. I love it. I sell a lot of car stripes online and it is the best way to get paid. I don't mind their fees as that is built in to my price.

My main rant is that up until last week, I could go to a Chase ATM and get cash out of my Pay Pal account without it costing me anything. I'd just take the cash, put it in my bank and pay bills or whatever. There was a $400/day limit but I could deal with that since that is pretty standard. Now all of a sudden, Chase is charging a $3 fee for using their ATM's. I called Pay Pal and, of course, "it is not their doing and they have no control over it." I said to the representative, "Well since you guys are part of eBay and have huge buying power now, can't you express your clients' displeasure about this to Chase? I am sure I am not the only one complaining about it this week."

I HATE it when someone changes the rules without letting you know ahead of time!


New Member
You can still do a transfer from Paypal directly to your bank account at no cost. It does take a couple of days though.


Trade Only Screen & Digital Sign Printing
I had a political comment about the fed 'making' the banks do it...but I'll keep that to myself.

Fact of the matter is banking is going to get alot more expensive for those of us who don't overdraft our accounts and run up high interest debt.

signguy 55

New Member
Might as well get used to it. The big boy banks have taken a hit on credit card balances, they're doing all they can think of to get a few extra bucks.


New Member
I had a political comment about the fed 'making' the banks do it...but I'll keep that to myself.

Fact of the matter is banking is going to get alot more expensive for those of us who don't overdraft our accounts and run up high interest debt.

I hear you! I have NO credit cards and never OD my accounts. My wife, on the other hand, has been know to ring up a few OD charges...
I hear you! I have NO credit cards and never OD my accounts. My wife, on the other hand, has been know to ring up a few OD charges...

Someone took my wife's credit card and I found out about it and confronted them, they said, "well I guess you want her card back", I thought about it for a second and said no you keep it, you spend a lot less in a month then she does.


Active Member
I don't really have the time to research this at the moment, but I heard Redbox was going to start implementing a PayPal feature into their kiosk rental machines. I think you're supposed to be able to withdraw money (ie: get a receipt) and get the actual cash from Customer Service. Might be worth looking into.

Locals Find!

New Member
Did you actually get charged the $4 I know I have seen these charges on my receipts from Chase when pulling out money but the $4 never actually came out of my paypal balance.

Also, I don't know if this is everywhere or not but, I can pull money out of the walgreens ATMs with my Paypal card and I never get a fee at all. Might be worth looking into for yourself.


New Member
Yes, they actually charged the $3 now. Did some digging and found out that Chase no longer issues the Pay Pal debit cards. They are now being issued by The Bancorp. Hence, the change.

Locals Find!

New Member
Is your card a Bancorp or do you still have the JP Morgan Chase card? The reason I ask is mine is still the Chase card. I am trying to find out beforehand if I need to start avoiding chase all together. I liked using them because, they have a branch right next to my office.

Locals Find!

New Member
Mine is issued by Chase but from what I understand, Bancorp has taken over all of the Pay Pal Debit Card business

Good to know thanks. I will avoid chase. Will have to try walgreens now and find out if their ATM is still Free.

I have also found that CVS will do odd amounts of cash back if you ever find yourself needing to get out as little as $1 or $2. I do that all the time when I need money for the toll booth. Just buy a soda or pack of gum and select cash back at checkout. I think the Maximum is $50.00


New Member
Use credit unions, problem solved. Avoid Paypal as much as you can, I certainly wouldn't use a card connected to them in any way. If you must use them, get your money out of their hands and into your CU business account asap, every time.