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Need Help Perforated Vinyl Problems - HP Latex 365


New Member
I've been printing on Perforated all day today, now all of a sudden this is happening to just the left side of the printing area, which is obviously then being 'caught' by the printhead and destroying the print as it goes over.

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 4.42.36 pm.png

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 4.42.49 pm.png

I've tried:

- Re-loading the substrate (twice)
- Lowing temperature
- Decreasing Vacuum
- Increasing Vacuum

What I don't understand is why the entire 2/3rds of the rest of the substrate is sitting fine and flat, now the left side has started doing this, you can see it separating from the backing as it enters the print zone (just on one side). I am on the last 20m of the roll, could it be 'bad' somehow? Not enough adhesive across the substrate or something?

Any advice welcome, trying to get a job finished before the end of the day!



Old Member
I also had problems running perf on my 365. My suggestion will sound counter-intuitive, but it made all the difference for me: less weight on the dancer bar. Try installing the counter weights that were included with the printer.

I had tried lowering the heat, increasing the vacuum, and increasing the interpass delay. All of these helped, but after a few feet had run through, I would still get head strikes and heater scrapes. As I observed the media going to the take-up reel, I could see a wave start to form at the dancer bar and work its way up into the curing unit, causing scrapes. I believe the wave is caused by the fact that the dancer bar is not perfectly parallel, and because the media is being tugged at a slight angle, it causes a wave. Installing the counter weights solved the problem for me.

I think HP engineered too much tension in the take-up reel. I keep the counter weights on all the time.

You might also find some helpful stuff in this thread: HELP! Window Perf hates HP LATEX

If/when you solve the problem, please post your solution. Many others have similar issues with perf.