• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

Please explain hierarchy


Sign-Man Signs

Until you donate to Signs101 and become a contributing member. Best $50.00 dollars you'll ever spend. Or, you post a crap load of posts and move your way up that way to.


Fred - Bigdawg

You and everyone else ........... That's the hierarchy .......

preppie, freshman, phd .......... none of it means crap ......

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
The titles are our meager reward for participating in the community by posting. One more post and you become a college freshman.

  • Preppie = 0
  • College Freshman = 25
  • College Sophomore = 200
  • College Junior = 400
  • College Senior = 600
  • Bachelor of Arts = 800
  • Master of Arts = 1000
  • PhD = 1500

Sign-Man Signs

Oh yea. You are confined to the cellar until you take that freakin' bug off your avatar.