My prayers go out to Jordan
Well, it's hard for me to keep reading about our young men/women having to do so many tours in Afghanistan, don't get me wrong, I'm no bleeding heart liberal, I served 18 months in Viet Nam as a teenager, and believe in our military and taking the fight to the enemy. However, back in my day, the government initiated the DRAFT, and I believe that is a much more fair and equal way to enforce our presence around the world.
I think (I know some may not agree), it should be the burden of all of us FREEDOM lovers to pay the price for FREEDOM, not just a select few. FREEDOM is not FREE, and all who enjoy it in this country should have to serve, and spread out the service so only one tour is required by any one individual.
Like others here, I have a relative who has served several tours in Afghanistan, and he made it back ok on the first and second tour, but on his third tour, he was blown up in a HumVee, loosing his left foot and right leg below his knee. Talking to him, he actually feels lucky, because he survived, all the other members in the HumVee were KIA.
Last Easter when we talked about his incident, I told him then, that I was opposed to ANYONE having to serve multiple tours in a combat zone, while others back here at home, sit on there FAT A** drinking beer and watching TV or playing video games, it's just not fair at all.
I think, if the government wanted to go over to Afghanistan and make war, they should have started the DRAFT, and then maybe they would of had enough of a fighting force to spread it out, like when I was served in Viet Nam, and only be required to serve one tour.
After getting my orders to go to Viet Nam and making the 30+ hour flight, I knew it would only be 365 days and a wake-up, unless killed or injured bad enough to be transported home, but not mandatory to serve another tour, although I did volunteer to extend my tour by 6 months to get an early out of the Army, my choice.
When I served in Viet Nam in 1969, there were over 500,000 combined forces in country, and 283,586 of them had been drafted through the Selective Service System. I think we should have Conscription, just like Israel!
My prayers go out to Jordan and all the other men & women who are in harms way defending us, and this great nation!