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Price check - 72 inch round sign customer supplied


Active Member
Recently quoted a job and wondering what other shops would charge for this.
Customer supplying 72" round steel sheet 1/8" thick (11 or 12 gauge) for a two-sided sign being installed in an existing pole/frame structure. Customer transporting the steel to/from shop and handling installation.
Design is white background with logo/lettering 3 spot colors, both sides
I quoted printed/laminated cast vinyl with a center seam, 72sf total
Threw in a surcharge for handling such a heavy piece, that metal would weigh more than 100lbs. Would probably have to hire a helper to get it on the table and flip it over.

What would you charge?


New Member
We had a sales guy working on a a retail price quote. The owner kept trying to get us to compete with another offer. We did lower the price a bit, but after the third time we passed on the job. Not even two weeks after the other company installed the sign it fell off the building. Sometimes they will get what they paid for. The price they wanted was barely over cost and absolutely not worth the effort to save the sale.