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Printed Vinyl Partner


New Member

There's probably a more appropriate place to ask this but I'm a newb so you can cuss at me if you want I guess. We do vinyl cutting and hoping to one day be an actual sign shop. I would like to have a partner that can print, cut, laminate and ship graphics like the one above. I get probably 3-4 requests for this type of thing per month. I'd like to have someone quote just the aas logo (not the fire, wind, water piece) pictured above 24"x12" - qty 2, so that I can get an idea of where my price needs to be. I'll supply artwork.


New Member
Why not find a local supplier?

I work work with several other local shops. Even a print shop world famous for their maps. To let people know we print all their maps would be a hoot. But look at the up side. No marketing cost for me. Just print, finish and deliver, get paid. Much better than paying a sales comission...:)

Plus it keeps the money local.

Working together works for me.

Bob Cap
Gilbert, MN