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Printer won't initiate job sent to it...


LEF2-200 novice here, running original (03/23 new installation) Versaworks and Adobe Illustrator software. Simple black lettering on panels from PDF files.

My first and only issue: Printer now fails to perform when sending a job to it. No error pop-ups showing anywhere, nothing.

Thought I'd start with a Versaworks upgrade initiated from their program (I've never updated this software before). Two hours spent to achieve an "environmental" error there. Researched to find that was not unusual, but to instead download from the Roland site. I'm considering doing that next. https://downloadcenter.rolanddg.com/VersaWorks6

  1. Am I on the right track thus far?
  2. Roland shows only Versaworks 6 available. Is that the way to go to update / repair my system and to try printing again?
  3. Any other direction that I should take to better troubleshoot this problem?
Edit: Found this three part download too. Looks like an initial full program link. Not sure if this is something I need to do. Help! https://downloadcenter.rolanddg.com/contents/software_parts/VW6_VWinst_DL_en.html
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Active Member
if you are having this much difficulty with the upgrade, then it is only adding another set of unknowns into the equation
lets do some troubleshooting FIRST
unless others on the forum think this is a problem solved by the upgrade (I DO NOT)


On Windows 10.

Update: After much of a sinuous path and downloading challenge, I was able to establish a "Roland Connect" program registry and then download their Versaworks Update program. I still had no printing joy immediately, but on a whim I rebooted the printer from hard off to online status and that worked. I'm printing again! :)

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I Drink And I Know Things
My Roland XR640 did the same thing last week, spent an hour troubleshooting and deleating old print files, ended up shutting EVERYTHING DOWN for a few minutes then restarting.
Everything is back up and printing.