I'm using the profile from LG that's for the ValueJet. I've also tried my normal mutoh profiles, and some 3m profiles. Just having no luck.
What software do I need to start messing with these profiles?
I would like to learn, just not sure of how to edit the profiles. I see no way of doing it through the menus/options that I'm seeing.
Been a long week....gonna be a long night...an early morning...then another long day...then another long night...then a saturday work day =[ ewww
Are you using 7.6 or 8.0, 8.1, or 8.5 Flexi?
I dont recommend 'tweaking' profiles (yes I know lots of people do it), there are 'filters' built into Flexi, much like in PhotoShop.
You might want to pull back on magenta just a bit, for this image, using a filter.
Once you chage the initial ink restrictions in a profile, the profile is effectivly corrupt and rather unpredictable.
Be aware that there is some metamerism, so the image may look purplish indoors and greenish outdoors, or just fine indoors and off outdoors.
If you are ONLY printing greys and black you can make a 'black' only profile, but this is pretty rare