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Printing a white GLOW on clear


Member for quite some time.
I'm trying to print a white glow around a vector image on a clear vinyl. I have tried printing from Flexi and Versaworks. Printer is a soljet pro 4 xr640.

I've used corel draw, photoshop, illustrator and flexi sign as design programs all to no avail.

I can print solid white outlines and shadows because they retain the spot color info that I need to tell the printer to print white. However...
making a shadow, in flexi, have a gradient (glow) changes the glow to a raster image and sending it from corel draw will not retain the spot color RDG white info that I need for versa works either.

I feel like I've run out of options but I know there's a way to do it.

Can anyone help??


New Member
Funny I just did a test to see if I could print white gradients and it worked great.

How complex is the shape that needs a glow?

First thing that comes to mind is to duplicate the shape that needs the glow and then create an outline that extends the distance of the glow that's required...then create a radial glow going from 100% RDG_White to 0% RDG_White.

I supposed it wouldn't work that well if it was a really complex shape but it may be worth a shot.

edited to add: Just did a test and I doubt that would work unless it's a very simple shape. Isn't there a way to blend two colors with actually blending the shapes?

I'm using Corel and have done this before using the blend tool. The file gets a little heavy if it is a complex shape, but I contour to where I want the "glow" to stop, and 100% fill Roland Spot White the original (or duplicate of) and 0% on the contoured shape, and blend. Seems to work fine here...


Member for quite some time.
Here's the image with the "glow" (grey background is just to show it).



  • glow.jpg
    62.7 KB · Views: 101


Member for quite some time.
I hope this isn't a dumb question but how do you create a vector halftone? Can you walk me through this?