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printing "guidelines" ? on either side of material edge. settings wrong?


New Member
All of the sudden I have a perfect black line down each edge of my material. Mutoh VJ 1624. At first I really didn't care and just ignored it until I had time to figure it out. Time is now I guess since I am trying to Die cut decals for the first time since this problem started and the cut line is off. I am figuring My dumb___ has hit a setting somewhere and knocked something out of wack. I have printed and cut thousands of decals with no problem until today. I have tried all the settings ect on printer and get no change. Anyone know what to do or what setting this would be? Please HELP!


New Member
Change setting for Spitting from "On Media" to "On" so it will spit ink on the pads in the flushing box instead.