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Printing png file


New Member
Hi All
typically I have been trying to get to grips with printing for some time. I bought an ESX 54 in machine back in 2013 and now some of you are thinking oh no.
Anyway a guy mailed me a png file of a design, he had his graphic designer draw for him. It contains a graphic, with text in a very narrow font, underneath
I use vinylmaster xpt for ripping, so imported and laid out page for test print, basically the font is pixellating when I enlarge.
The file is small, being only 32kb at 72ppi.Which in jpg terms, is too small for the size of print he wants. Being a scaleable vector graphic I dont get why it is pixellating.
So he sends the pdf when I open this in reader it does the same thing. As I enlarge the edges of the design and the text pixellates.
I know this happens with jpg, as I am a semi pro photographer, so I know about ppi versus print size etc. As an experiment I opened the png file in pshop and it does the same. I am not a graphic designer.
So perhaps guys and girls you can put me straight.
Before he sent me the pdf, I said that I had tried to print it and was having an issue, with the pix problem, which is when he responded with the detail of designer etc and that he had said it's a scaleable vector so that shouldn't happen ?
So what am I doing wrong.?

J Hill Designs

New Member
png is not scaleable or vector. maybe you are thinking svg

edit: and the pdf is probably just the same png file saved as pdf, so still not vector


New Member

png is not scaleable or vector. maybe you are thinking svg

edit: and the pdf is probably just the same png file saved as pdf, so still not vector

correct J Hill as far as the pdf being the png converted. The issue here is that the Graphic artist that this guy has enlisted said that it was a svg, so obviously the GA is in the dark . hmmm I suspected initially, that either the guy had created the artwork himself, or maybe someone else in the family had produced it, wife girlfriend whoever, I still suspect that. What threw me was when you Google SVG's png's come up in the search.But I read it in the wrong context. Obviously the proof is in the file itself it shouldn't pixellate.
So having just checked back to wiki via google I have a better understanding. The png is a raster composed of a fixed set of dots so will pixellate.
Thanks again just needed my suspicions confirmed. All part of the learning curve I guess
Have a good week