Overwhelmed..first data problems, now printing problems.
Question and I'm sure it's elementary. No matter what I do it seems like all I can print in is cmyk. Most of the foils I have are zeronine and am using the spot series swatch. Same goes for the gerber foils.
When I go to print it says no icc profiles selected and wants to print cmyk colors. Now in flexi7.6 under advance it has area where I can add icc profile.
I choose but continues to say none.
Years ago I ran 2versions of the edge but was never involved with setup.
I guess what I am asking is how do I set up so the edge asks me for let's say
Tomato red or green or ???
Do I pick colors from a vinyl swatch?
Is anyone using flexi 7 or 7.6 that could help point me in the right direction?
My cmyk is a little bandy so I switched to cmy and it is better. Seems to have light and dark areas. Is this a heat problem! I've done so much reading my head is swimming!
Question and I'm sure it's elementary. No matter what I do it seems like all I can print in is cmyk. Most of the foils I have are zeronine and am using the spot series swatch. Same goes for the gerber foils.
When I go to print it says no icc profiles selected and wants to print cmyk colors. Now in flexi7.6 under advance it has area where I can add icc profile.
I choose but continues to say none.
Years ago I ran 2versions of the edge but was never involved with setup.
I guess what I am asking is how do I set up so the edge asks me for let's say
Tomato red or green or ???
Do I pick colors from a vinyl swatch?
Is anyone using flexi 7 or 7.6 that could help point me in the right direction?
My cmyk is a little bandy so I switched to cmy and it is better. Seems to have light and dark areas. Is this a heat problem! I've done so much reading my head is swimming!