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Problems cutting ai. file


New Member
Hi all,

I have this logo file that I need to print - sent to me from the designer. I have welded it but the silver portion of the design will not weld and prints/cuts with tons of lines through it.

If anyone can please help me it would be GREATLY appreciated. My customer has been waiting two weeks and I cannot figure it out!

Now I can't figure out how to attach an ai file to this??? Help :)?

I am using LXi Master (flexi sold through signwarehouse).



New Member
save it as a different file format and post. When you say weld do you mean joining with the pathfinder? Is the gray a transparency by chance?

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Sounds to me like the "silver" is a gradient which isn't going to lend itself to cutting in vinyl. When the gradient is expanded, it will then be a number of vectors stepping in the direction of the gradient. If you have print and cut capability, the easiest path would be to just export it as a high resolution JPG, convert your existing vectors to a cut path and then print and cut the two items. If you don't have print and cut capability then farm it out to someone that can do it for you.

Sign Eagle

New Member
You might try to grab the whole thing, put an outline around it and cut to the outline. Depending on the complexity would it be worth just hand cutting after printing?

Bill Modzel

New Member
Duplicate your layer and on the new layer select all and fill it with black or any other spot color. Select all in that layer and merge with Pathfinder. That should work for your cut line.