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QR code will not print


New Member
I set up a QR code for a customer and ganged it in with the rest of the graphics to be printed and at the end, everything printed but the qr code. I then thought maybe I did not marquee it properly and tried adding it to the next file being printed and again it did not print. I then tried printing it by itself and all it is printing are the registration cut marks and that is all. I have done this before many times but never had the printer ignore the print info...is there something I need to do?


Is the qr code a vector or a raster? Is it using a spot color that your printer is set to ignore? Do you see it in your RIP preview?


I Drink And I Know Things
Change the color to black and make sure you change the text you want to be in your QR Code to URL, WEB or Phone Number in Design Central drop Down Box.
You can even add a logo or some stupid picture to the center of the QR.