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Real Estate Rental


Member for quite some time.
Hi, I was wondering if anyone here has had any luck with renting yard signs. I primarily do signs for other businesses like real estate companies and home builders. Would there be any reason to rent yard signs vs selling them. I do signs for every real estate company in my area (approx 6 companies) and they go through a lot of signs but 3 of the companies buy their 24"x24" yard units online because I can't compete with the price they are selling them at. Should I attempt to make the units and rent them or just pass on these? I kind of thought coming up with a great rental service for my customers might be profitable. Any suggestions??

Pat Whatley

New Member
Sounds to me like you're asking for trouble. You're got too much risk and too little chance of reward.

Of course at the same time I can see the possibility of renting the same sign over and over meaning you'd get paid for it many times over.


New Member
Just make sure you sell them on "sign insurance" that will cover a free replacement of stolen or damaged signs... (JK)

I could see renting frames to neighborhood groups and yard sale families to give them something better but to real estate groups would be a hassle to keep up with who gets what and when.


Premium Subscriber
If you do signs for every real estate company around you..... what are you complaining about ??

What signs are you already making ??

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Pass on the small signs indeed. here they sell retail so cheap I really don't see the profit to even talk with customer. which means they are buying that cheap.

If your selling to the only real estates co. in town use those references to sell to the next closest towns and so on expand on what you do best, not go after new areas.

Locals Find!

New Member
Its more hassle than its worth renting signs & frame or even single arm posts.

I have learned this first hand the hard way as my business model is not much different then yours.

Just don't do it. When the sign get stolen the real estate agent won't want to pay you for replacement & in this economy properties aren't moving fast enough to rent them over and over enough to make any real money.


New Member
I know you can buy printed realty signs online for $20, so what were you
planning on renting it for $5? That ain't going to cover materials.


New Member
I know you can buy printed realty signs online for $20, so what were you
planning on renting it for $5? That ain't going to cover materials.

They are actually selling them for $12 in Vancouver. Why don't you order signs from one of these companies, job it out. Say you got a screen company you deal with in the city, or don't say anything. Most local companies will try to shop locally, so sell the signs at cost plus 5%. That way your the guy, you don't loose any money and you will get all there larger sign business.