On a 1604 Mutoh, 24" 651.
I print on regular 651 all the time without any problems but today I am seeing imprints where the roller wheels touch the vinyl.
I'm thinking that a lower pre heater setting might work?
Maybe you need new dampers or a capping station... Now that that is out of the way.
The rollers look pristine, .
I will clean the rollers anyways with foam tip applicator and denatured alcohol.
Some media types have the tendency to release certain substances onto the printer pressure rollers.
When frequently changing media type, this sometimes causes marks onto the printed media as the pressure rollers again release the substance on other media.
randya Thanks for clarifying that!Non inkjet medias contain higher levels of plasticizer, which can migrate to the surface causing interference with proper ink bonding into the vinyl. This can be seen as banding, pin holes, and in worst cases large splotchy areas that either will not accept ink or look as if they layed in water causing fuzzy areas.
This same plasticizer can be transfered to the pinch rollers, and then on to other rolls of media.
I am still getting this... thought a bump might be in order.
New picture... to kill the plasticizer conspiract theorist. This is on 63" roll of Jetflex Banner Scrim (made for printing)