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Seal 62 Plus height adjust


New Member
We bought a new to us 62 plus a few years ago, and just now getting around to installing it/using it.

At first it wouldn’t do anything other then the heating elements would work. Rollers wouldn’t move and it only has a light above the roller height adjustment.

Now we have the roller turning in turtle mode with the pedal while a solid green light above the height. Pressing the up or down button doesn’t do anything for adjustment. We are out of ideas.

Not sure if the pinch sensors have anything to do with it, but we adjusted those to verify they were reading. The left side has a green/red, the right side just has red. When you move the right side, the green goes out on the left side sensor.


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Old Member
I can't help you, but I bet Bill Moxley can. Semi-retired laminator tech. Super nice guy, and has some parts for older Seal laminators.

I will PM his cell number.


Mark Snelling - Hasco Graphics
If the machine will heat up and only work in turtle mode, then your safety eye sensors are not seeing each other. Play around with those or call Bill Moxley....He'll get it done for you.


New Member
We upgraded our worn our infrared sensors on a 62 Pro D which had the same problem. The new beams use a laser instead of ir light.

Not sure if the upgrade is available for yours. I will PM the seal tech info.