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Source for Evacuation Plan holders


New Member
Anyone have a source for evacuation plan holders for a new building. All that I have found run from $25 to $100 each. They dont have to be the elaborate.
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Pat Whatley

New Member
We printed thousands of them for a hotel chain by reverse printing them on clear, mounting them to the back of clear acrylic, then backing them with white vinyl.

They applied them with foam tape.

The ones at a hotel we stayed in this summer appeared to be digital prints, face mounted to lexan, and covered with some really heavy laminate, almost like the stuff on dirt bike graphics. Those were screwed into the doors.


New Member
doubtful they'd have to be flame retardant. never heard of such a code, even though it seems like it would be a requirement.... but then again, if its hot enough to ignite a laminated print, you'd be lucky to see at all!

ours here at the shop are just digital prints, heavily laminated and fastened to the wall with screws, fire chief loves em!


New Member
Thanks for the input guys. We only have to provide the frames. They will print the 8.5'/11' EP and slide them in themselves.