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Suggestions Specialty Vinyls & LED Lighting


New Member
Hey guys,

Im new here and I can't seem to find anything to guide me down this route so I figured I'de make a post about it.

So basically I'm looking to incorporate LED lighting into my wall wraps. Im not talking about back lighting, but key and colored LED lighting(corner sticks, LED Rope, etc.) from different angles whether from above or below, and things like LED Rope for example instead of building a light box, I can just print my logo on wall wrap and after installing I can just use the LED rope to outline the logo.

That is how Im looking to use the lights. Im thinking about reflective or mirror vinyls printed on and plotted in shapes to add to the wall wrap for light reflections. Im even thinking as far as playing with colors to hide certain design aspects of the wall wrap. Colored objects reflect different colors depending on what color light is shining on them. There's millions of ideas I have in mind.

But what I really want to know is if anyone else has had some experience with this? Is reflective better or is chrome/mirror vinyl better for light reflections? How much does the angle of which the light is being shined from play a part in direction of reflection? What strength lights do I need to make this work?

Ultimately what I want to do is use vinyl and light in this manner to avoid backlighting or building a light box. Im not looking to light up entire wall wraps, but accents, like a stroke on a circle logo plotted out of mirror and using key lighting to illuminate it and then LED lighting to change the color which it shines, or create ever changing light patterns on the rope to make the logo appear as if its changing colors every so ofter, or blending between colors.

If anyone has any ideas or experience or anything to help me out here before I go down this rabbit hole, I would greatly appreciate any kind of input.

Thank You

DL Signs

Never go against the family
Don't get quite what you're looking to do, but experimenting is the mother of invention.

Look into holographic vinyl, comes in tons of different styles/ colors/ patterns/ options, almost endless. Many have reflective color changing properties already, and a lot are printable. You can combine them with print, solid color vinyl, or other holographic/ metal film overlays... There's no end to what can be done, but you can put a lot of time & materials into finding something that works in the "outside the norm" world.

Rope lighting is pretty played out and kinda cheesy looking in my opinion. Rather than ropes or strips, for front lighting, maybe think wall wash light units, they're programmable, and give a lot of options for effects and colors.

That's all I got


New Member
I was hoping to be able to use RGB lighting of some sort to make certain aspects of a design shine
Don't get quite what you're looking to do, but experimenting is the mother of invention.

Look into holographic vinyl, comes in tons of different styles/ colors/ patterns/ options, almost endless. Many have reflective color changing properties already, and a lot are printable. You can combine them with print, solid color vinyl, or other holographic/ metal film overlays... There's no end to what can be done, but you can put a lot of time & materials into finding something that works in the "outside the norm" world.

Rope lighting is pretty played out and kinda cheesy looking in my opinion. Rather than ropes or strips, for front lighting, maybe think wall wash light units, they're programmable, and give a lot of options for effects and colors.

That's all I got
I was hoping to be able to make a certain part of a design(like a stroke) to reflect different colors depending on what I was shining on it. Problem I'm coming up with from just learning about light travel and reflections, that Im not going to be able to do it with key lights from above or below as the effect won't be visible from all angles.

But thank you so much on materials and the wall wash lights, just doing some research now on wall wash lighting, has lead me to understand that Im going to need to use a projector as well as learn projection mapping to focus the projection on only the locations I want illuminated. I was on the right track with the lighting, I was just making it harder than it needed to be with reflections and refractions. Projection mapping gives me the lighting and effects I want, as well as can pin point the light in very specific areas, and also the most important part. Has the widest range of viewing angles.

Now I just have to figure out if there is some sort of calendared vinyl thats similar to projection screens. Im sure there is, but I'm not sure if it's printable or comes in large rolls. Back to the scouring the internet.

Again thank you so much for the suggestions, I'm going to look into the Holo vinyl as well.