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Need Help Strange temporary banding


New Member
Been running a JV33 on a long run of large logos. The logos are predominantly dk blue lettering with a large red swoosh around it. After printing for about 3 ft or so, I suddenly get what looks like cyan contamination on the other heads as I get a nasty bunch of dark bands in the red as well as anomalies in the blue. It seems like it dumps some cyan across the head, then it clears up after about 2 inches of print (8-10 passes) After, it clears, it bands a little, from nozzle clogs. I can clean, and it prints beautiful, then then same occurence at about 3 or so feet of film.

I replaced the cap & wiper, and adjusted the capping station settings, but not fixed. I am hoping it is a damper, but I have to wait on delivery. Any thoughts?


New Member
check the bottom of the head for a bit of lint or something that may be wicking the cyan


New Member
Ended up being a bad damper on one cyan channel. It was allowing ink to flow out onto the head then the other nozzles were ejecting it onto the print.