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New Member

just got my new cutter. It replaced mutoh kona.

what can i say? im disapointed. why does engeeners goes backward in development? Why is this new cutter more dumb than 20 years old kona?

Why cant i set preload length?

Why does it always set origin 40mm inside of material after new load and why cant i change that?

When setting force of blade, it cuts test squares - and after confirm, it does not move forward, behind those squares, but instead it moves backwards, in front of them, where it started. So if i would start cutting, it would cut over those squares... So i have to manualy change origin every time.

Rollers has fixed points and none of them fits 1040mm or 1240mm or 1370mm rolls, i always have to set "load extend"... i mean... width of materials is the same for ages. why are those fix points so stupid aranged?

How to set to roll out vinyl for 50mm when it finishes, so i can easly cut off by the mentend edge?

Am i missing something, some hidden settings?

I know it is the cheapest version. But i would expect, that even the cheapest version has all the benefits from 20 years old cutter, or why am i paying so much money? just for new looks?


Problem Solver
If you wanted all the same you had before, you should have bought the same brand. Everyone does things their own way.


New Member
yeah, but everyone recommended summa...

but what is the point of doing things their own way if they slower the process? Everyone is trying to speedup the process.


Problem Solver
Usually you set the margins in your cutting software. Origin is where you set it after loading and everything else comes from the software.

What to say about the rollers... you knew what you bought.



New Member
thanks for margins info...

yeah... but its like the sell something less useless because it is cheaper... i dont understand. really. Like selling a bike with triangle pedals.


New Member
There was no boosting innovation in vinyl cutting during the last decades. The innovations between the generations are mostly about small details, internal software or electronics (network or wireless ports, quicker processing and so on). But there are surely different ways of how to handle things, and what you like is dependend too from what you are used to.


Sales Manager
I would agree with Frank that an S1D140 would have served you much better than the S1D140FX. The S1D140 can cut a wider range of media(the pinch rollers aren't set in fixed positions like the FX) and will allow you to manually assign your origin. Simply put, you bought the wrong cutter model if you were looking for an "upgrade" from the Kona. If you have the option to swap it out for the non-FX version(S1D140), I think you will be much happier with your experience with Summa. If you want a significant upgrade from what you're used to, the S3 models have all the bells and whistles like tangential cutting(motor-controlled blade), dual servo motor drive system, additional force and speed, etc.

Directly from the brochure for the S1D140FX - "The S1 D140SX model has fixed pinch roller positions, meaning any media size can be loaded but margins cannot be minimized. It is the ideal model for customers with a low workload where the direct cut method is not a focus"

Best regards,

Phil Johnson
Airmark Corporation
(800)527-7778, ext. 112


New Member
yeah, sure S1D140 is better, but it also cost 2k more.

I was just saying, that it is unusuall, that basic model has less functions as 20 years old cutter. Thats all. All the rest is economics, i know. Its like buying a car, and it wont had airbag, seatbelt or electronic windows.

Anyway i will get used to it. we have been together for over a month now and i have learn that i just had press more buttons to get some functions, like extended width of material or manually assign origin.