Is it possible to work on several plotters through Summa GOsign? Recently, we bought two Summa S one, but as I understand it, you can only work on one at a time. Does one plotter really need a separate computer and a licensed software (which costs a lot)? The thing is, we use barcodes and all the computer does is open the file and send it to the device, I don't see any good reason to use multiple computers for that.
P.S. For now we use an emulator on a computer that allows you to run several versions of one program at the same time. And this would be a great option if the plotters did not constantly lose connection with the computer, this happens when both plotters download files at the same time.
P.P.S. We love this program because of the ability to clean up files (from double lines and so on), so we do not see replacements for it.
Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my native language
P.S. For now we use an emulator on a computer that allows you to run several versions of one program at the same time. And this would be a great option if the plotters did not constantly lose connection with the computer, this happens when both plotters download files at the same time.
P.P.S. We love this program because of the ability to clean up files (from double lines and so on), so we do not see replacements for it.
Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my native language