The new sign is red background yellow text, full size 10'x5'. We originally were going to vinyl over the whole thing, but the back side of the sign is pretty uneven ground, shrubs, telephone pole, etc., not to mention the wind and cold this week, not really able to get ladders back there to do a full vinyl overlay. But we could manage to through in some screws and what not to do the coro, or the banner bag.
You are right I don't want to spend any more money then I have to to complete this job, it's been a huge pain since the begining, but I have learned some valueable lessons.
Was hoping that the method I described would get approval from more expierenced people on here, but hope in one hand and.. Just gonna push this job back a little further for the banner bag as I will need some material and such. I also think that coro signs attached withing the trim would look better than a banner bag, but if it might fail then I'm not going down that road.
Sent an email to the customer describing the banner bag and that it might be a better option, waiting to hear his thoughts, but I have a pretty good idea that he won't be very excited about it. Wait and see I guess. But to be honest I still can't see why the coro method won't work just fine, and probably look better.