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Times are hard and slow


New Member
hey.. you're no longer accepting food stamps??? what's up wit dat??

No, NO. We stopped that months ago. Inflation and the fact they're no longer accepted for cigarettes, alcohol and get this.... in casinos. With the current demand for cheap vehicle wrap, we ended up with thousands of dollars worth of stamps and no way to spend them. Had to dump them at one of the local tug&rubs. As noted, this DOES NOT affect our beer policy.


New Member
i've never seen this man in my life... i swear... i don't know what he's up to.

hey, what's the big idea rob, why don't i know what you're up to? i wonder if i'm on his ignore list :tongue:


New Member
hey, what are you doing here..

I thought you were soon to be almost banned...
(or have you by now already been almost banned?)

Weren't you almost bound by a restraining order to almost refrain from contact with cheapvehiclewraps.com personnel?

..perhaps you have almost been reinstated again already?
Last edited:


New Member
NO, got off on a technicality. Don't associate with them. I'm CheapVehicleWrap.com Restraining order dropped in federal court. I'm FREE to give away hack jobs as I wish (barring the FTC investigation). Amanda's prego and need loot to raise the family.


Quit buggin' me
When I read "hard and slow" in the title I thought this was going to be another joke thread about the NY congressman.

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
how much do i get for sending you, er the guys at cheapvehiclewraps.com the guy that called tonight that wanted a full urban camo wrap on his Audi for 6-700 bucks.


New Member
Just making sure, but may I use "We will NOT be UNDERCHEAPED! -cheapvehiclewrap.com" as my signature?


New Member
Folks, I'm going to be blunt here... CHEAP was created for US (and in the US). Since US liked CHEAP as much as the CHEAPSKATES, I though most of US would jump right in and USE the TOOL. A few have, most haven't. These last few comments are promising, BUT... the public (and hacks) NEED to be edumicated! 400 people have been exposed to the cheapness in the past 72 hours... not to shab. Site took off like gangbusters, then slowed. Although it is pulling decent organic search traffic.

If you're in the wrap game to stay, I URGE you to post in your local craigslist! I have done my share. SIMPLE short ads work best. AND THEY DO WORK! It's especially powerful for ridding craigslist of the hack lowballers!

I had posted the password to the forms database on another forum a while back, but nobody here has asked. This is useful for several reasons. It shows the traffic from your ads AND it gives you the names of the CHEAPSKATES!