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Tips and trix to remove adhesive from Avery 3001?


New Member
We just removed a vinyl we tested for bus advertising, unfortunately, the adhesive remained on the vehicle decor made of another vinyl that the bus has. On painted surfaces, the adhesive did not remain. Does anyone have a good tip on how to dissolve this adhesive from Avery 3001?

we have tried Isopropanol and some stock adhesive remover...


New Member
... if all else fails, a Magic Eraser with a hint of a silicone oil usually removes tough adhesive without too much damage to substrate (though be aware that the silicone can attack the adhesive under the vinyl if you get it anywhere near an edge...) The action is basically the Magic Eraser lifts some adhesive, and the silicone keeps it from being sticky anymore.... good luck! (for silicone oil I still have some old Xerox fuser oil, but there are a lot of products from various industries that should work well, the specific molecular weight of the oil is not critical.)

I have hears others use WD-40 just spray on and scrub off - likely a similar action of keeping any loose adhesive from being able to stick... though the WD may actually dissolve too,,, I prefer silicone oils near most substrates as it marks less.