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For Sale Two PRISTINE old-school Seal laminators for sale


Mark Snelling - Hasco Graphics
One of my old customers in Chicago has a Seal 5500 and Seal 600D he is no longer using. He has kept the units in immaculate condition and despite the units being as old as they are, they still look brand new. No cuts in the rollers at all.

If you don't know about the Seal 5500, it might be the best laminator Seal ever made. It is a bi-directional machine where the front and back rollers are all the same size....so it is 1000% as good on the back side that it is on the front side. Air-driven pressure. Really, really great machine.

The Seal 600D is also a great unit offering full heat on the top and bottom rollers. Easy to operate. Like the 5500, no cuts or scratches in the rollers at all.

Seal 5500: $12,000
Seal 600D: $5,000

The units can be picked up right by O'Hare airport in Chicago. There are no crates, so that will make shipping the units a bit more expensive as they'll have to ship via padded van.

You can email or call me if you have questions. I can post some pictures when I go see the units again on Wednesday.