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Ultrasuxx Strikes again


Merchant Member
Ok...so heres the latest pic of their bs material. Strip mesh printed on the LX850. Shredding as its coming off....backer fused to the mesh material. Just need to pull my hair out now over this....


Merchant Member
We're putting up the Ink Collector on the Latex tomorrow. Have unbacked mesh coming from Grimco....key mesh...their 8ft stuff and shorter works Great on the latex actually and is less money than UF. They only have 10'6 unbacked though. So giving the ink collector and pig matting thru its first paces.


Active Member
would have thought that with the volume of materials that you go through, Ultra would had been on your door step ASAP to go over every minute detail to ensure you stayed happy.


Merchant Member
I can't stand UF honestly. I deal with my material thru N Glantz and I hate being a PITA to them honestly. They treat me right and all I want to do is print and make my customers happy. My client is aware of the issue and they actually have time on this job so its not cramping them in anyway....thankfully. UF was basically non-responsive and said I should have used the LTX for this exact reason. Im happy with my LX850 but the mfr.'s can't seem to keep up with the issues that latex presents to them and how to deal with the heat and inks themselves.