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Vaccum feeding system


New Member
Hey guys!

We are looking into getting a UV flatbed printer and a zund cutting table, and I recently saw in a promotional video a loading and offloading system for sheets that uses suction cups, to feed the printer, and than unload the printed sheet and move it to the cutting table.

Anybody use a similar system?
Or does someone have an alternative for automating their production line ?

Thank you!


New Member
Depending on your budget, look at Digitech. They have a fully automated print>cut system. Printer offloads to conveyor that feeds to cutter. They have it setup for several different cutters. Print quality and speed is beyond anything else I have seen.

Troy Lesher

Merchant Member
Because the Digitec is the only one with the integrated offloading system, this is what the conveyors are working from. as for techs, yes, there are techs in Canada. IN Fact, the company that builds are frames is in Mississauga.