It cracks me up how it's always the printer's fault, never the end-user! I've had the ValueJet for well over 2 years now and I have NEVER had issues like this. Granted, I create all my profiles in-house, and I'm good at it, so that helps, and I have a RIP that backs up nearly everything I throw at it. I like Flexi, but I feel that there are certainly more robust RIPs out there for the large format market. I use Wasatch 6.3 and the spot color replacement, Color Atlas Generator, and all of their other tools pack a mighty punch! Also, there are DOZENS of VJ users on this forum and I can't think of many who have bad things to say about the VJ. You need to contact your dealer and get some assistance on this, either that or call Flexi for help. I don't know if you're in warranty, blah, blah, blah, but believe me, the ValueJet is a kick-ass printer! Buying a Jeti or JV33 won't solve anything unless you have a handle on your workflow in the first place. That's the most important part of an investment like this is having a dealer in your corner that understands what's going on and has resources to back it up. Do some searching, you'll be surprised at what support you can get from more specialized dealers. Who'd you buy it from anyway?