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versaworks 5.5 needed


New Member
Hard drive crash and the ghost drive I had done up doesn't have Versaworks 5.5 on it. I have found a couple of links but they either fail or ask for a password. Searched the forum here and I am not getting anywhere. Hoping someone can help. I have the XC-540 and I can't use the ver 6 that Roland has on the website, and they offer no download for the older versions.


I sell stickers and sticker accessories.
I am currently uploading it to google drive, it's 3GB zipped.
If you check and it's not there yet, check back later.

I'll leave it up for a few days and then take it down so I save my drive space!


I sell stickers and sticker accessories.
No password.
and it's still attempting to upload, if it fails I can try dropbox.