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Need Help VG-540 Print Head Issues


New Member
I picked up a Roland VG-540 a while back. Had a local sign supply company check it out, walked me through the setup, pretty much immediately had to replace a head due to what looked like a head crash that had happened before I bought it. No issues with it at all, it's been a great machine, until a couple months ago during my manual clean I noticed lots of ink droplets collecting on the head I just had replaced, just that head though, none of the others. Sent a pic of this to my tech, he said it was nothing to worry about, and I wasn't seeing any issues in my prints. Now, fast forward a couple months and I'm noticing some lines in certain prints, particularly ones that contain lots of cyan, so I ran a test print, and sure enough, the Cyan head is experiencing drop out. I ran a damper fill per my techs advice, that didn't fix the issue. The drop outs don't appear to be the exact same nozzles every time, though they're pretty much isolated to just the top left of that cyan head. I'll attach some pics of the different test prints, you'll see that sometimes certain nozzles are fine, sometimes they're not. Granted, I don't know a whole lot about these machines outside of how to perform user-end service and operate the basic functions. I do practically religious weekly manual cleanings, I'm extremely careful and delicate with this thing, as I certainly do not have the capital to... not be.

Techs guess is the cap top isn't making full contact with the head, so we replaced the cap top. Hardly any change, but we figure if that was the issue there's probably clogged nozzles, so we did a head soak overnight, just booted it up, ran a cleaning cycle, still having the same issue. Now techs guess is there's air in the line. Waiting to hear back on what steps I should take next, though I have found so many useful resources and read through extensive troubleshooting on this forum, and found solutions to many of the issues I've encountered while trying to figure out what in the world I'm doing, so I figure I'd give it a shot! Anyone have any ideas as to what I should try, or what may be causing this?


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Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
I dint think the ink on the bottom of the head is a huge red flag, but I would be looking below the head for a solution at this point. Start with flushing position adjustment, then check the thing from the caps to the pumps. Make sure all joints are tight. Then check the pump to make sure it's working.

Good luck