HAHA you are opening up a can of worms here. Ford vs Chevy. That being said, I have been a 3m guy for quite a while, even going through their program, but with the last few years I feel that Avery has surpassed 3m where adhesives are concerned. I used to have problems with over saturated prints leaving visible air channel ghosting or bubbles that would not come out no matter what you did short of yanking back up and laying it down again. That is the cv3 adhesive line. With Avery I have NEVER had that issue. I also feel that is is more stable more position-able but once you lay in hard and heat like in corners of the hood, avery bites harder quicker for better longer lasting corners. FYI, do not use the 3m adhesion promoter on avery products as some of them will see degredation of adhesive. I use Pro bond there. Not saying I do not use 3, because I do on boats. I am going to try the new avery product after I use what material I have in stock for boats.