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what paint to use for adhesive vinyl


New Member
I have a customer that wants to use the back side of his old sign to make it new. It is MDO and needs a little sanding but what it the best paint to use so that the graphics will adhere well to it when it's done?
I will be using regular Arlon die cut vinyl. Thanks anyone?


New Member
Please be careful when you sand it, there may be lead in the paint. I still use Oil base enamels, usually the bulletin enamels. Longer dry process. I then letter with good cast vinyl.


Owner, Designer & Installer
Please be careful when you sand it, there may be lead in the paint. I still use Oil base enamels, usually the bulletin enamels. Longer dry process. I then letter with good cast vinyl.

Agreed. If going to an acrylic, do NOT use anything with low VOC. The low VOC paint has silicon in it and, in most cases, will not allow vinyl to stick. Test the paint on a small piece and apply vinyl after it's fully dry to see if it adheres. 3M makes a wall vinyl kit for things like this.


New Member
I use One Shot enamel paint and Orcal 651 vinyl. If I really want it to last in the elements, I coat the completed sign with Minwax waterbased Spar Varnish. I have had great success with this combination. If you use the Spar varnish -thin coats.