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What's your favorite way of doing rivets? Poll


New Member
I've seen so many ways just wondering what everyone else likes.

1. I hate rivets, leave them for the new guy
2. I love my rivet brush and wheel of death
3. Rollepro is the only way to go
4. Weenie paint roller from home depot
5. I grind the dang things off and light the trailer on fire


Quit buggin' me
I use the Manual Method
"Manuel come here and nail down these rivets - I'm going to lunch"

Rollepro works pretty good but it seems like you need to go back and hit them with a hard edge before the final post heat - at least with IJ180

wayne k
guam usa


Active Member
like the others have said, leave an air channel, use the rollerpro, and then during post-heating use a hard edge to really set it.

now the most important fact is the material being used. CAST CAST and more CAST. calendared material will ALWAYS lift regardless of how you set it


Dammit, make it faster!!
Always though someone should invent a tube like device that you could apply over the rivet and it would apply pressurized heated air to compress down onto the area whereby forcing the wrap material to conform to the rivet.

don't go stealing my invention :rock-n-roll:


New Member
Always though someone should invent a tube like device that you could apply over the rivet and it would apply pressurized heated air to compress down onto the area whereby forcing the wrap material to conform to the rivet.

don't go stealing my invention :rock-n-roll:
Your to late, there's something called the Torpedo it's been out sometime, without the heat though.


New Member
6) volunteer to work late and get the job done before next day, and then make a game of it.....one shot of beer for every rivot.

Kentucky Wraps

Kentucky Wraps


New Member
Hey Kentucky, that is something I have yet to see. if you don't mind what is it called and where can it be purchased... we purchased a moto-x trailer last fall
and will be wrapping it this spring and it has a crap load of rivets and I cringe every time I think of them. lol

thanks in advance for any info you can spare!


New Member
sorry too late - somebody did this as an attachment to heat gun.. its patented. it didnt work well.. i had one. still have it in my kit. rollepro is what i use.
Always though someone should invent a tube like device that you could apply over the rivet and it would apply pressurized heated air to compress down onto the area whereby forcing the wrap material to conform to the rivet.

don't go stealing my invention :rock-n-roll:


New Member
I had this conversation with an installer last week. He favored the Rollepro although there's a bit of a learning curve if you're used to doing panels traditionally. I'd been schooled using a rivet brush and torch which is what I'm more comfortable using. You can fly using a brush and torch if you know what you're doing. Rotator cuff surgery seems inevitable for those guys though.


Merchant Member
Does anyone ever use the Ackland framing system? I saw it used years ago and always wondered why everyone did use it instead of vinyl for the big trailer wraps with lots of rivets. I think they are still around as I see them on trucks all the time.


Call me old school, but i poke one hole on bottom of rivet, heat it, then take one lap around it with a squeegee and onto the next. Looks great, stays down if using cast. I've checked the work after a few years and looks great still. Used to worry about the vinyl shrinking over time and stretching the poked hole, but isn't any issue. Actually can knock them out really quick this way, especially if you have the new guy do it hehe! We do warn the customer ahead of time if the trailer has a lot of rivets.