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Wholesaler for anti graffiti prints

Zendavor Signs

Hello - looking for a wholesaler for a few small prints with anti graffiti laminate. We have used Avery's version in the past, but it takes us forever to go through a roll. Would rather not spend $400-800 on a roll of laminate for a small job.


Lost Soul
B2Signs does a dry-erase lam. That might fit the bill. Vandel guard is less than $275 for a 54" roll. It is optically clear so if the roll has been in stock for more than 6 mos we use it up on storefront perf.
Guess it depends on how many and how big the few small prints are.

Zendavor Signs

B2Signs does a dry-erase lam. That might fit the bill. Vandel guard is less than $275 for a 54" roll. It is optically clear so if the roll has been in stock for more than 6 mos we use it up on storefront perf.
Guess it depends on how many and how big the few small prints are.
This needs to be outdoor durable. Dry erase lam is only good for interior use. Where do you get Vandel guard lam from? Least expensive lam I found was $425 for 54"x75ft roll.