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Window Perf, How am i going to do this?



Hey guys, Received my first window perf quote from a very good customer who does about $1500 a month with me.

Now the windows pictured will be doubled since the same setup is on the other side as well.

The customer wants something nice to block the windows and advertise at the same time so i'm up in the air on a few things.

The panes are on the inside so the only dividers is in the middle of the whole window setup, so how will i make the design so it looks right with the separations when everything is applied?

Also, would optically clear lamination needed since it's on a store front type deal? I know dirt and rain may get into the holes but i'm not sure how this would play out since it's not a vehicle window.



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    2010-04-25 17.45.23.jpg
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not sure what your concern is..what is thedesign?

It's just going to be hard to get a design to look right with the splits, the one up and down is the biggest.

each square (4 total) is 32x32"


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New Member
I'm not sure what the issue is if you just design accordingly. Can you take them out of there since they really aren't needed?


I'm not sure what the issue is if you just design accordingly. Can you take them out of there since they really aren't needed?

the big ones that go side to side and up and down are part of the window unit. They don't come out.

There isn't a design since i just got with the customer a few hours ago about it.


New Member
Before you get totally into it, if you haven't already checked the local codes, now is the time.

Many cities/counties have been passing ordinances left and right about how much of a window can be covered. Supposedly for safety so a LEO can see inside or whatever.

That is really bogus because a retailer can stack boxes and displays from floor to ceiling INSIDE the business and effectively block the entire window.