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Wrapping the Chrome on a New Tesla


New Member
I have a customer wanting to wrap the chrome parts of the door handles, trim and mirrors on a new Tesla. They want to change all the chrome trim around the windows and at the bottom of the doors to black carbon fiber. Does anybody have experience wrapping the chrome trim on this car or others?
My concerns are....will it hold up for very long term, will it ruin the chrome when removed?
Lastly the chrome on the mirrors looks impossible at a glance...
Any help or guidance appreciated...

Attached are a couple pictures showing all the chrome.


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  • 2013-tesla-model-s-mirror.jpg
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  • Screen-Shot-2014-10-10-at-9.28.00-AM-626x307.png
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I have put vinyl over chrome and it's stayed there many years and brand new chrome underneath. Just don't overheat especially if it's plastic. Other then that GFL with that side mirror joint.


New Member
Without being able to see one in person it is a bit hard to give exact advice but wrapping chrome trim is always a bit of a pain in the arse.

Chrome window surrounds
Not usually to bad except for the rear quarter window, can be tricky to tuck into the rubbers there. Mini squeegees will be your friend in those spots.

like any other, Front in one piece with joins on the back for the second piece.

Should be able to put joins underneath each section. Does have the annoying colour that needs to be wrapped righ under the actual mirror glass.

Definitely charge accordingly!


New Member
thanks for the feedback.....I am considering "punting" on this one. Its not like its the chrome trim on an '95 F150 so perfection is important


Premium Subscriber
Very good and professional decision. Not many would turn something down, but the ability to walk away from something, takes a keen sense of business smarts. :thumb:


New Member
thanks for the feedback.....I am considering "punting" on this one. Its not like its the chrome trim on an '95 F150 so perfection is important

I agree. This is actually a big waste of time that will not pay out.
stick to the sure money makers!