I have the exact same problem with the exact same printer as yours, VJ1204. I get a good red with CMYK set to 1,100,95,4 using the 3551G profile (1440X720) with no color correction and pure hue all on. The color is good but this puts down 3 times more ink than it does with color correction turned on. You should also open the Avery 900 swatch and try the Avery Pantone 186C and 200C. Those 2 are lab colors, so it doesn't seem to matter if color correction is on or off with them. Felxisign tech support told me that this is a common problem with ValueJet printers. They said to make a block of 100M and 100Y (this is what should give you a red color when printed but comes out too orange), print the block. Then, change the block 5C,100M,100Y and print it. Then make the block 10C,100M,100Y and print it, ect. Keep playing with this until you come up with an acceptable red. Keep in mind that you will probably never be able to print a cardinal red that is an exact match to cardinal red in cut vinyl. It's a good idea to print out a swatch of colors, hand this swatch to customers and tell them to pick one. You can waste hours trying to match pantone colors than can NOT be matched with your printer. Good luck.