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Laser Head Accumulates Soot During Engraving

Mike Brice

New Member
Does anyone have issues with soot accumulating on the tip of their laser head?
We have Boss Laser 150w CO2 using a 2" lens. We use LASERMAX rowmark for all engraving jobs.
The job shown in the pictures took 12 mins @ 350/16 .05 line interval. I was advised during training with Boss not to use air assist when engraving & to premask to reduce burn marks on the material.
I had to pause the job once to wipe the tip as the laser was starting to lose power. I'm also seeing a lot of buildup on the lens itself rather quickly & I'm often cleaning the lens multiple times a day.
This is becoming so inefficient.


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Active Member
Can you control the air flow?

We use the lowest psi for engraving, just enough to prevent any dust/smoke from getting into the laser

GC Decor

Super Printer
Air assist is a must for engraving - try to turn it to the low end and slowly increase to find the best results.


New Member
Most systems of that power have 2 positions for air assist.. One restricted for engraving and one full power for cutting.

If yours doesn't have it, easy enough to make one with a restrictor valve and a solenoid.

Ryze Signs

New Member
I also have a boss laser. I use air assist for engraving but at a much lower pressure somewhere between 7-15 psi. For cutting I use 60 to 90 psi.

I have a pressure regulator on my air supply. You need some airflow to keep the smoke from entering the nozzle.


Active Member
This is not uncommon at all, but I would look at increasing your exhaust CFM if possible, ideally the smoke should be sucked out of the cabinet immediately and not have a chance to settle on the nozzle.

We run with the air assist off when engraving rowmark on our trotec and epilog machines without issue, it's all about the exhaust.

Gary Wiant

New Member
The majority of our engraving is on LaserMax on our 100watt Thunder Laser. Air on LaserMax kills us, we use a 4" lens & turn the air COMPLETELY off when engraving on (about 8-12 psi) when cutting. We clean our lens often but we have been using the same lens for 3 years doing it this way. When the job is finished there is no clean up needed.


New Member

I agree with CanuckSigns and Gary Wiant, I did exactly as they explain and I do not have that issue, only when I do a lot of engraving, I clean the lens, other than that, I check it before any job and I do not have to clean it.

Ryze Signs

New Member
The main purpose of air assist is to help clear the cut path of vaporized material, and preventing flare ups when cutting. When engraving with air assist it tends to cause the smoke to stick to the acrylic around the engraving area blurring the image.