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Discussion Becoming very commonplace recently.......................................


Pretty fly for a Sign Guy
I gave up on video games around PS3; Too many fucking buttons to keep track of; I understand where Geno is coming from - fat bratwurst fingers don't help at all.


Pretty fly for a Sign Guy
What the hell is the "wow" for? While were on it, the heart appreciate you is kinda creepy.
I forgot his name, but most recently he was a freelance writer is the word on the street.

I like the wow for usage as in "wow, you are fucking stupid" or "wow that was totally amazing".


Arial - it's almost helvetica
I gave up on video games around PS3; Too many ****ing buttons to keep track of; I understand where Geno is coming from - fat bratwurst fingers don't help at all.
Ha, I was done with nintendo. Super mario cart is the only video game I have liked since then, mind altered while playing of course.


Premium Subscriber
Hahaa..... yep, you're right. You seem even funnier, now. o_O

But, now I see why you don't post very often. You make next to no sense..... and have even less smarts than a worm..... and not an earworm.

Seriously though, do you start drinking around 2 in the afternoon ??


Pretty fly for a Sign Guy
Hahaa..... yep, you're right. You seem even funnier, now. o_O

But, now I see why you don't post very often. You make next to no sense..... and have even less smarts than a worm..... and not an earworm.

Seriously though, do you start drinking around 2 in the afternoon ??
We can't all be 170, my friend. That is your cross to bear when you reject the help offered.

I come from Litho, paint sniffer, we do great work and get it done. I am sorry your comprehension is well behind your age.

Gino, do you do anything but drink at work and post all day? I can't recall you ever posting a great design your team did or an install that was cool and taught the community doing something for once, other than expouse your delusions of grandeur?'

Why don't I post more? My time at work is worth more than your drunkass whatabout-isms, and you have your own circus animals to carry it through - I can't hate that..
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Active Member
I was going to shut up, but I'll say it since the thread seems to be headed in that direction anyways. You may have noticed I barely reply to political stuff now... It's not because I'm Canadian and give 2 cents what you think of my opinion, but because I

I think most people just do an agree or disagree, or try not to post their own opinion so they can avoid an argument.

Half the time when I'm replying to a thread like this, I usually just say fuck it, no point and delete what I was typing.

It'll either start an argument, derail the thread, or just have no purpose at all. It's not like I'm going to change your mind, and it's not like you're going to change mind...

It seems like 90% of the political posts on here just seem to be a place for you guys to vent your thoughts, not a place for a discussion.

Outsiders view time... All (I say all, but it's likely most, so sorry for generalizing) Trump supporters seem to think, and have no issue calling all the democratic leaning side idiots for believing the news, for not buying that the whole capital riot was done by Qanoners, for not buying the whole government and tech giants are out to get Trump and his people, etc etc.

Then the other side tends to do the same... Think you guys are lunatics for what you believe, idiots for not taking covid seriously (again, a generalization... Im not saying just because youre a republican you think covid is fake, from what ive seen at least most on here, even if they dont believe covid is a big deal still follow all precautions and at least respect those that do), etc etc.

I think The left and the right are too far apart in what they believe and feel for a meaningful conversation to go on. So it doesn't surprise me that some people have interest in whats being said and going on in the threads...and tend to just hit agree or disagree, but dont want to "Get into it". Theres so much attacking going on from both sides that I don't blame them.

Me personally... like I said, I've started a few replies, then just hit delete (I'm sure some of you wish it happened more often!), I try to avoid the stuff thats been said 100 times over, or the stuff that I think is just so engrained in peoples minds that it wont change. I'll still post when theres something I think I can actually "Contribute" to, or I'm curious about... or if someone brings up a conspiracy about bill gates and covid 19 so he can get tracking chips into everyone, I might throw out an "You're an idiot" reply.(Your cell phone is all the tracking uncle sam needs). I've stayed way from the Trump stuff because I don't think theres a point. I still go after the Covid stuff... because if something I say changes one persons mind, or can prove one person is bullshiting and has a 1 in a million chance of saving a life, it's worth the effort.

end of mini rant! You guys can go back to calling eachother brainwashed sheep/idiots/whatever words I've seen thrown around in the past few weeks. I know I'm guilty of it too, but it's made me realize why the secret ballot exists. On here we can just log off and go away when we've had enough... but imagine having some of these conversations with your co-workers :confused:


Premium Subscriber
We can't all be 170, my friend. That is your cross to bear when you reject the help offered.

I come from Litho, paint sniffer, we do great work and get it done. I am sorry your comprehension is well behind your age.

Gino, do you do anything but drink at work and post all day? I can't recall you ever posting a great design your team did or an install that was cool and taught the community doing something for once, other than expouse your delusions of grandeur?'

Why don't I post more? My time at work is worth more than your drunkass whatabout-isms, and you have your own circus animals to carry it through - I can't hate that..

Ahaaa....... now, I know who you are. :goodpost:

Anyway, was any of this supposed to have a meaning ??


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Unrelated to buttons... I just noticed that you can change the visual theme here. There only seem to be 3., but I really like this new one I picked.
