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Blurry Image


New Member
HELP..... Blurry Image !

Hi Folks,

Just doing a banner for my Son's hockey team. They are in a tournament tomorrow. Anyway. I lettered some old banner and would like to add their minor hockey crest to it. My problem is that it is blurry, I can't correct it, I tried. Can anyone help me so I can send the image to my cutter?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


image attached.


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New Member
It will need to be re-drawn as a vector.

This is fairly typical everyday work. I would suggest you familiarize yourself with how to draw in corel, flexi, Illustrator or whatever application you are using to plot with. The alternative is to send it to the Vector Doctor (see merchant member listing, link on left). I hear he does top notch work at great prices.


New Member

I'm not familiar with the drawing part of my programs. I was just hoping someone may want to help out. Now, if I were doing this as a job I would by all means support another person's business. But, I was just hoping to add the logos on the ends of the banner.

Oh well. Its just going to be lettered. They will still appreciate it.




It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Hi Folks,

Just doing a banner for my Son's hockey team. They are in a tournament tomorrow. Anyway. I lettered some old banner and would like to add their minor hockey crest to it. My problem is that it is blurry, I can't correct it, I tried. Can anyone help me so I can send the image to my cutter?

If you can't deal with the letter 'A', an oval, and a couple of primitive hockey sticks you really should consider another line of work.


New Member
If you can't deal with the letter 'A', an oval, and a couple of primitive hockey sticks you really should consider another line of work.

May sound cruel to the OP, but to us 'older' sign guys, some of the questions and requests for help that are posted here are in the realm of the unbelievable...half the time I check the date and make sure it's not April 1st....seriously.


I can do it, Here is what i have for you. PM me.


  • A_1color.jpg
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New Member

Thanks to all :noway:

I managed through it. I can at least apply this rough cut image to the banner.


  • acadia logo.jpg
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