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Bubbles and Wrinkles


New Member

I have now done this stupid sign four times and the same result. I have no clue what is going on. I switched rolls of black also thinking it may be the end of the roll blues. Its simple cut black Ora 651 on a Grimco .80 white alum blank. I have tried it wet and dry applications and still get the same results. Cleaned with 70% and then with rapid tac2 or dry. The smaller lettering doesn't really appear to do this as much and seems to stay to the large "T'. I'll post a pic of the sign and of the art.

thank you greatly for any insight as to what is going on. I'm tired of redoing it hehe



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It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Bubbles, like those pictured, are virtually always due to bad application technique.

Bubbles being on the edge as you showed are from not completing a squeegee stroke until you're off the vinyl, not starting a squeegee stroke off of the vinyl, inadequate or inconsistent pressure on the squeegee, or not properly overlapping the strokes. Any or all of these will result in exactly what you have pictured.


New Member
Agree with BOB.

Also if you use too much liquid and remove the app. tape too soon, it will cause bubbles. But what I'm seeing from your pics, it's operator error during applying.



New Member
Thank you greatly for the time to respond. Being as I had done 4(actually 8 lol) 2 of each and this happened on everyone. I havent ran into this kind of thing yet. I tried so many different things from:

different transfer tapes
different squeegies and directions big squeegie size to 6" size
Wet / dry
Straight swipes, curved overlaping strokes from in to out
different rolls of vinyl
different cleaning soulutions

Hate to admit it but this ones beat me -- I can't even let these go out of the shop :0( They are small and should'nt be giving me this time ------
Back to basics I guess, thank you Bob and Dave :thumb:

The pic shows the edge but its actually all throught it like a plague



New Member
maybe ur not getting the app tape down smooth either. I've had that cause lots of bubbles. Also bad technique, substrate that flexes, bad squeegee, too much rushing, etc etc. But bubbles are free & those will dissipate pretty soon. Put them in the sun then an air con office that usually helps



New Member
Damn, now I feel like some hot crack filling.

ROF you may have your crack filled but I prefer mine the way it is :thumb: Exit only

Thanks for all the insights -- rushing is probably the most, the transfer may be an issue as well -- never thought of that -- looks flat with no wrinkles -- even ran some through the lam to make sure it was down evenly. I think pulling the tape early is getting me -- I waitied 5 mins or so as I did other stuff to pull on some, also did some as soon as pressed. I'm going to redo these one more time today and thats it, Ill wait to pull the tape for a few hours.

Have a great Sunday,

Sticky Signs

New Member
Whoa. I didn't say anything about getting MY crack filled in!!!

Ok, so now that I've taken the beer goggles off, it looks like it could be that you are not putting enough pressure on your squeegee. OR, it could also be that your squeegee is used and had some nicks on the edge. Try a new squeegee or use some sandpaper to smooth out the edge on the old one.


Have a laminator? You could always stick a leading edge and use the laminator to apply them.


New Member
lol Sticky Signs just kiddin' :smile:

thks for the sandpaper and the edge tip -- I put them outside as per the above post and it would appear the bubble shave all gone -- I cant look directly at them outside ATM lol
Will recheck later on to see the results

thank you,


rof you may have your crack filled but i prefer mine the way it is :thumb: Exit only


Looks like your not getting the app fluid out before removing the app tape. Press hard and get the app fluid out. What i do is wet lay the vinyl, then before pulling the app tape off i will let the solution sit for about 2 minutes and lightly spray the top of the tape with the solution and this lets the app tape release easier. I use rapid tac 1 for signs, rapid tac 2 for windows.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
...OR, it could also be that your squeegee is used and had some nicks on the edge. Try a new squeegee or use some sandpaper to smooth out the edge on the old one.

Not the way to sharpen a squeegee.

To properly smooth and shape the edge of a squeegee you hold another, identical, squeegee flat between thumb and fingers of one hand. Hold it flat, not like you're going to use it.

Then run the squeegee to be given a new edge back and forth in any one of the four grooves formed by the two raised bars on either side of the squeegee you're holding flat. Hold the squeegee being sharpened at about a 45º angle to the surface of the squeegee being held flat.

Run it back and forth in this groove with sufficient and constant pressure. That would be enough to press the edge into the groove and not have either squeegee bend.

Squeegees are sharpened [a better word would be honed or re-edged] by reshaping the edge rather than removing any material and trying to create a new edge. When attempting the latter you have no idea if the new edge is perfectly level.

When you sand or file anything like this you tend to remove far more material from the center that from the ends. Unless you wet sand paper and stick it to a piece of glass or lay a file flat on some surface and move the squeegee over the abrasive rather than moving the abrasive over the squeegee you can end up with a tool with a concave edge.

Probably more than you ever wanted to know about dressing the edge of a squeegee,


New Member
Possible Issues:

1. Not holding the squeegee correctly. Just like wrapping a car, your goal is the remove the air from between the surface and your vinyl If you hold the squeegee at a 45 degree angle and use it like a snow plowing removing snow, then you should succeed in pushing all the air out so it cannot get trapped in a letter/graphic.

2. If you are applying it wet, then you may be pulling it up too soon. However if it pulls up then there is most likely water still behind the vinyl and that should allow you to squeegee it out, but you'll have to do it before it dries.

3. Wrinkles could appear due to sloppy transfer tape application. Use the same method you use to apply vinyl as you do your transfer tape. 45 degree angle, brush out the air like you're snow plowing and use overlapping strokes.

Hope that helps.


Quit buggin' me
Bob is right on the importance of honing a clean edge onto your squeegee with a second one, even if it is brand new out of the box.
(Plus he wears the same safety shoes I do)

wayne k
guam usa