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Calculating Remnant Vinyl with an Excel Template


New Member
See attched.

My shop uses this excel file to calculate the remant pieces of cut vinyl from production.

I'm just trying to help others out and eliminate some waste.

The .xls file is setup for a summa t seties s120.

Oracal is the vinyl we use at the shop.

I use circle carabiners to hang from a shelf.

Just pull off clip when you need it.

One idea that might also be helpful to catergoize is to number each sheet.
*It would probably help you not have to measure each sheet when going to find a remant sheet.

Making use of every SQIN helps!



  • Remnant Vinyl Inventory.xls
    49 KB · Views: 264


New Member
I usually pitched them too, unless of course it a few feet. Just too much laying around and then I have to wonder how old it is....vinyls cheap enough and customer paid for it


New Member
Not kidding.By the time you get done tripping over the scraps and hunting down
that piece of vinyl that is going to save you 85 cents on the material cost you could have already made the next job.


New Member

I really think adding a column for the number of the sheet would be helpful in order to fine them quickly. *Also, add the it was cut or when the vinyl was purchased so you don't have old sheets in your inventory.

I just use a two hole punch and slip it into the hooks.

Aso for people that just throw out all their sheets, add up the SQINS of about 3 months worth of saving sheets. I know we use SQIN when doing pricing so saving remnants does help out with cutting cost. We do however charge for the whole width of the sheet, but then use the remnants when we can.

I can't justify throwing out a sheet that is 60" x 20", that's crazy!

I am going to look into calculating cost/SQin to see how much this is actually saving.


New Member
I guess if you are selling your signs by the "sqin" its a good idea. Did you ever hear the phrase "penny wise and dollar foolish"Good luck "sqining"


New Member
See attched.

My shop uses this excel file to calculate the remant pieces of cut vinyl from production.

I hammered something like this together a few months back with Excel and a little VB. Sometimes it works well, sometimes its waaaaay off, and I know that's got a whole lot to do with how accurate my measurements are, or aren't as the case may be.

Right now I use a pair of Carrera micro calipers to get my numbers. You use something similar? You have any standard practices to get the best results?