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Edge FX Fatal Error 633


New Member
Here - check voltage ( ONLY if you can safely) off power supply wires to head. and cable connections


Depending on your printhead resistance range- voltage to head should be between 17.9 to 21.2. This level is critical depending on resistance printed on the head.
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New Member
I have this when i have a fatal error.
if i turn off the gerber and on.
i see that the voltage is higher...


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New Member
I think your voltage should be closer to 5.10 for TPH, LCD and RFID.

This is a reference picture


New Member
Check your connections, and cables to the LCD, etc. I dont know where to adjust the lower ( 5 volts ). The printhead has a potentiometer to adjust. Again, do not open or adjust if you dont have electrical experience.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
NOTE: If you're not familiar with electronics or working with electrical circuits, please leave this to a qualified technician.
This is the 5 volt circuit (logic) not the (more or less) 20v circuit that fires the head. Also, it is showing low on both the print head and the LCD. This could be your:
A. - incoming voltage - check with a volt meter
B. - power supply - check with a volt meter
C. - cable from the power supply to the Main board - check with a volt meter
E. - Main board - If all else checks out, this is probably the culprit.

Good Luck


New Member
Hi, thanks for all informations, we have normally find the problem, a component on the main board.
We are going to change it