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Gemini Markup


Not a newbie
Hi, I will use gemini canada for the first time for an item I can't make myself. My question is, what markup to you put on their pricing with shipping? Thanks.


Premium Subscriber
So an order that I pay $300 plus $30 shipping I would price it at $420 + $30 + $Install

You don't take your price and add 40%, that's not how you figure it. If you take 40% of $500, you'd end up with $300.

In my case, it's a custom quote not a catalog pricing. Would you still add your 40%?

It would be easier just to ask them. I would think they'll tell you what it would normally be for retail of you ask and it's not already figured in.


Active Member
Yeah the catalogue pricing has a 40% markup already applied, when you request a quote from them it is your cost.

When pricing from the book, make sure you account for "oversize" items, as the shipping cost is astronomical, like 4-5 times the normal cost.

spectrum maine

New Member
it used to be easy to do a gemini job, now they have all these arbritary charges & the pattern charges are astronominal.
i find 40% doesnt cut it anymore.


New Member
If you subtract 40% from a number, adding 40% doesn't bring it back to the original amount. That's not how math works.

I've counted 5 people in this thread who have the math wrong, so here's how it works in case math isn't your forte:

To calculate Gemini's wholesale price from their catalog price, you subtract 40% from retail, which, on a calculator, means multiplying by 0.6 or 60%. When you get a wholesale quote from Gemini, you don't multiply by 140% or 1.4 to bring it back up to retail. You divide by 60% or 0.6, or multiply by the reciprocal of 0.6, which is 1.667.

Sign Works

New Member
Sounds like a lot of folks need to go back to high school and take basic math again.

Just double your cost and make it worth while. No that does not include installation.
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