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Logo Design - Firearms related


New Member
Good day wonderful forum :)

I've been doodling off and on over the last month trying to come up with a logo idea for a friend's small-business. He's a consultant for firearms training and personal security and an all-out awesome guy. I'm in the final stage of becoming a Firearms Safety Instructor under his wing and he has gone far above and beyond the "book training" on this adventure; I thought I'd do him a favour for his business.

Currently, I'm not convinced I'm on the right track... My best "sketch" attempt used the 'W' as a sight picture and I have just been trying to run with that. But now I'm feeling like I should run away! I lean towards the top one as he's a HUGE Glock fan, and it is similar to the classic Glock sight picture, but will anyone else get that?

Anyone with some harsh or constructive criticism is welcome to chime in. :) Thanks in advance!

Please keep in mind these are baseline concepts, not a shiny polished logo ready to present.


  • Futzing.jpg
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New Member
Yeah, that's my fear. He would get it, and love it... But people go to him cause they don't know what the hell a Glock is. Not to upgrade their Glock with a nice captured Tungsten unit.

How do you read it, as it stands? GER ING? Gering? Or you just dont know what the hell the W is supposed to be?


New Member
Yeah, that's my fear. He would get it, and love it... But people go to him cause they don't know what the hell a Glock is. Not to upgrade their Glock with a nice captured Tungsten unit.

How do you read it, as it stands? GER ING? Gering? Or you just dont know what the hell the W is supposed to be?

Gun Sight???

Joe Diaz

New Member
For what ever reason when I see the "W" you came up with, at first I saw a ref calling a field goal, then knowing that it was firearm related I thought of a person with their arms in the air saying "don't shoot"...:Big Laugh Then I read your post and now I see what you were trying to do. Unfortunately you can't include a description of what the imagery is supposed to be every time the logo is used.

But I like the style of type you are using. It works with that type of company. Don't do the green on black though because there isn't enough contrast between the two, unless you were to use a much lighter green.


New Member
I can see the W but like Joe said it looks like a ref to me.
But maybe a "gun" person would get it?
I'd like to see it in a green such as Oracal #063 lime-tree green.

Marlboro Man

New Member
Good day wonderful forum :)

I've been doodling off and on over the last month trying to come up with a logo idea for a friend's small-business. He's a consultant for firearms training and personal security and an all-out awesome guy. I'm in the final stage of becoming a Firearms Safety Instructor under his wing and he has gone far above and beyond the "book training" on this adventure; I thought I'd do him a favour for his business.

Currently, I'm not convinced I'm on the right track... My best "sketch" attempt used the 'W' as a sight picture and I have just been trying to run with that. But now I'm feeling like I should run away! I lean towards the top one as he's a HUGE Glock fan, and it is similar to the classic Glock sight picture, but will anyone else get that?

Anyone with some harsh or constructive criticism is welcome to chime in. :) Thanks in advance!

Please keep in mind these are baseline concepts, not a shiny polished logo ready to present.

Been doing this stuff for 29 years. The one with the round front sight looks fine. Remember, keep it simple.


New Member
Here's three quick takes on it. Forget making the sight into a W.


  • Gerwing.jpg
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New Member
Thanks for everyone's input and for your mock-ups SignManiac. Everything is greatly appreciated. I'm going to retain the top one and work on a couple other concepts that probably wont have the sight included, but I'll keep the thread updated as I go.

Thanks again!

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Frankly I do not like any of the 3 ... ..but do like the green one better the w sight is good

BUT in real thinks you can do alot better ..push yourself a bit try different styles ..bold is good, conservative image is better .. remember this guy is a consultant ..professional appearance is a must .. so look at banks and other services like that to get that professional image .. then combine


New Member
I sort of like the middle one but I'd use a red on that part and about 1/2 the height the green is now.

Dave Drane

New Member
I know that it is overused, but I think the general public associate the crosshairs with firearms. I just played a bit with it. :tongue:


  • Gerwing.jpg
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New Member
I visited this thread several times last night trying to figure out what the general thoughts were on the 'W' as a sight, and I'm not sure everyone's convinced. As a passionate shooter, I prefer the top one to echo Marlboro. But passionate shooters generally aren't the people asking him for advise.

If we drop the sight idea, does the following 2 look a little too much like a video game title? (Which he's also into, so it might not be a bad thing) I was hoping to surprise him with a finished logo, but now I'm thinking I should present him with the 3 options like I would a normal customer.

Again, purely concepts at this point.


  • Futzo 3.jpg
    Futzo 3.jpg
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New Member
I know that it is overused, but I think the general public associate the crosshairs with firearms. I just played a bit with it. :tongue:

I really appreciate your input and taking the time to mess around with it, Dave. I think I'm going to steer away from the traditional crosshairs, though.


New Member
Yeah, I played with integrating a handgun into it, but couldn't come up with something I was happy with. The closest I got was to have the silhouette of the handgun above the Gerwing text in the 'E' Bullet one.