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Moving Lights?


Rap Master
A customer is requesting we come up with a solution to add moving/flashing lights to their sign to draw attention to it. We don't provide this in-house, does anyone have a solution or idea or interested in being involved in the project? Their current sign is attached below.


  • IMG_2314.jpg
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New Member
Better check local codes. Our City does not allow any flashing lights. LED message boards can not even flash.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
What about the code?


§ 1427-09. - Prohibited Sign Types, Locations, and Message.

The following signs, sign types, sign locations, and sign messages are prohibited:

Moving, flashing or animated signs, balloons, gas inflated signs or similar inflated signs, portable signs, searchlights, streamers, spinners, flags (other than those specifically permitted herein), outdoor image projections (signs projected from an external light source onto a building or structure) or any other similar devices.


Active Member
What they said...first is it allowed,
second do they want to spend as nuch as the sign originally cost to retrr fit it with a real chasing border?
...or they can go to the dollar store buy some leftover christmas lights and duct tape them around the sign and run an extension cord....I've seen it

J Hill Designs

New Member
What they said...first is it allowed,
second do they want to spend as nuch as the sign originally cost to retrr fit it with a real chasing border?
...or they can go to the dollar store buy some leftover christmas lights and duct tape them around the sign and run an extension cord....I've seen it

I've serviced it...swear