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Mutoh Valuejet 1304 - Pallette Test Print has a Green Tint on the Black image

Steve Brown

New Member
Can you help with my Mutoh Valuejet 1304 Please :)
I have a new Printhead, Mutoh Capping Station and Mutoh Dampers just fitted.
The Nozzle Print show 100% CMYK perfect.
When I print a Pallette Test Print from the LCD Menu all the colours are great aprt from the Black which has a Green Tint to it.
I have checked the Ink Lines for contamination but are all fine.
There is no contamination within the capping either.
Also the Firmware is 1.07


Quit buggin' me
I have an older 1304 and a new 1624 - ran the pallet test on both.
I think your print head is ok.
No rich, dark black on either of them.
The blacks are tinted green - even the border line around the test.
I remember seeing this and thinking it was a problem when the tech set up the first printer about 6 years ago.

I'd run some other files and see what you get.
Try some solid blocks of black in both RGB (0,0,0 ), CMYK (75,68,67,90) & K(0,0,0,100)
Should get some good solid black and be on your way.

wayne k
guam usa


Merchant Member
Can you help with my Mutoh Valuejet 1304 Please :)
I have a new Printhead, Mutoh Capping Station and Mutoh Dampers just fitted.
The Nozzle Print show 100% CMYK perfect.
When I print a Pallette Test Print from the LCD Menu all the colours are great aprt from the Black which has a Green Tint to it.
I have checked the Ink Lines for contamination but are all fine.
There is no contamination within the capping either.
Also the Firmware is 1.07

Very detail description. Please post a few photos on the pallet print and regular prints so it'd give us better sense of what to advise next.


Steve Brown

New Member
Pallet Test Images - Green Tint to Black

Thanks and please see attached Palette Test Images.



  • Pallet Test 1.jpg
    Pallet Test 1.jpg
    79.1 KB · Views: 1,403
  • Pallet Test 2.jpg
    Pallet Test 2.jpg
    78.3 KB · Views: 1,447


Quit buggin' me
Your test prints look the same as mine from both Mutohs.
I don't think this test shows any issues with your K channel.
Have you tried to print some black with known values through your RIP after you changed out all the parts?
If your nozzle test is good and you get good blacks for regular prints I'd not worry about this test.

wayne k
guam usa

Steve Brown

New Member
Gradients of Black

I am using Metamark Media and trying to print Gray.
Basically when printing 100% Black is fine but it is the Gradient colours leading upto the Black have a green tint and I cannot get the Gray colour.
As when I print Gray it tends to be Brown.
I am using Onyx RIP.


Quit buggin' me
Issues with Gray are pretty common around here.
Before you changed out the parts did you have the same problems?
With Flexi there is a setting to help keep the Grays neutral - Pure Hue/Clean color - seems to work ok.
I have never used Onyx so I'm no help there.
Might want start a thread in the RIP & Color Management forum. I don't know, but I don't think it is an issue with the physical K channel.

wayne k
guam usa


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
Green hue in black and grays is normal in the Mutoh pallet test because it is not using any kid of color correction etc. Green in the gray of prints you print from the RIP is a profile issue and you would need to create your own or tweek the ones you have already.

Steve Brown

New Member
Resolved - It was a Profile Issue

Thanks For Your Help.
It was indeed down to the Onyx RIP Profile after all as the CMYK Print from the Mutoh was 100% fine.


New Member
I am using Metamark Media and trying to print Gray.
Basically when printing 100% Black is fine but it is the Gradient colours leading upto the Black have a green tint and I cannot get the Gray colour.
As when I print Gray it tends to be Brown.
I am using Onyx RIP.

are you using flexi? if so there is a setting to get grays, but remember too grays under certain light look different too.