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New Record!

5 times in 3 minutes, and a couple times about an hour ago. This is a head ache. Type about 2 sentences, the signlab shuts down. Call the techs, they can't give me an answer worth $0.02.



  • SignLabCrap.jpg
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New Member
I have had the same problem but found it to be my computer just trying to do too many things at once. Happens when I have 5 or 6 programs going at the same time. Especially when I toggle between Corel Draw and SignLab with Quickbooks, Excel, Word and E-Mail minimized. I shut down all the programs and reboot the computer. Works fine after that.

Pat Whatley

New Member
Want to hear the "that's the stupidest answer I've ever heard" answer?

A couple of years ago we suddenly started having the same problem on a computer that had been successfully running Flexisign for over a year. Tech support couldn't figure it out, and a repair guy just told us to buy a new computer. Somebody on one of the sign websites told us to upgrade our video card and it would fix it. Sounded like the stupidest thing I'd ever heard of but I just happened to have an old video card lying around and stuck it in.

Two years later the system has never crashed again. Don't ask me to explain why the computer started having the problem overnight or what the video card had to do with the program crashing every few minutes.

Air Art Girl

New Member
I've had my FastArtist which is basically SignLab do the same thing. Sometimes it will happen twice in a row and then not for months. Can't seem to figure out why it happens but I try to remember to do lots of saves when I am working with that program


New Member
i use Fast artist, same issues they blamed the computer so i built a new computer (twice) to make sure it wasn't the machine. We also have the signlab -"vision pro" running into the same issues over there on our engraver, i don't waste time calling tech support just a "Microsoft" reset(pull the power from the back)

"save and save often"


New Member
The problem is obviously at your end so it's no use blaming the software.
You should probably try to troubleshoot this yourself - update the drivers for your graphics card, update Windows, update your version of Signlab, clean up your registry (CCleaner is good for this) ...that should help for a start.
The problem is obviously at your end so it's no use blaming the software.
You should probably try to troubleshoot this yourself - update the drivers for your graphics card, update Windows, update your version of Signlab, clean up your registry (CCleaner is good for this) ...that should help for a start.

Well, thanks for the critique but I would have to say the diagnosis is incorrect. I've been using Signlab for about 6 years now, and it's been a continuous thing. I haven't always used it on this computer, these computers here are less than 6 months old, but the same thing happened at my previous job on every computer, and we had signlab on about 8 computers there.

It's a problem with Signlab. Draw a textbox, start typing, and program will error and close. It will continue to do this until you load the .bak file, then everything will go smooth.

Just cost me a lot of time, just got done doing a design on magnetics (15 minutes, but still) that time could have been used for multiple other things - simple text layout.

Ah, and all tech support does is send me in circles and have me load the .bak file and hey, that fixes the problem..until next time. This isn't a problem this week, it's been a problem for years.

I can design a 70mb file in Photoshop with no problem, yet simple text in Signlab, and it crashes.


New Member
I completely agree, I hate sign lab! I have Vision Pro 7 (which is built on sign lab). it drives me crazy, has tons of bugs and is very unstable. Maybe I'm just "spoiled" from using Adobe software, which has decent programmers that know what they are doing. Cad link is a third rate publisher that charges first rate prices.